Circle of Friends
“Circle of Friends” is a school-based mentoring program that matches community volunteers with youth in Kindergarten – 6th grade, within the Elmira City School District, and in 1:1 mentoring relationships and small group friendships.
Circle of Friends occurs during a student’s lunchtime (approximately 45 minutes per grade level) for up to four hours per month, September to June. Volunteers assist students with homework, reading, game playing, skill-building activities, peer-to-peer and adult socialization and interaction, and craft activities to share within the community.
Most importantly, our Circle of Friends students and volunteers are spending quality time together in a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment, while building a trusting friendship.
Circle of Friends Eligibility Requirements for Clients:
Must be enrolled in one of the eight elementary schools K-6 within the Elmira City School District
Must be referred by a school official or mental health professional that works with the students on a regular basis
Able to act in an age-appropriate manner individually and in small groups while attending Circle of Friends.
To donate to the Compeer Program of the Family Services of Chemung County, please send checks to:
Finance Department at Family Services of Chemung County
c/o Compeer Program
1019 East Water Street
Elmira, NY 14901